Hospital and Healthcare

Felisha felisha at
Tue Nov 27 18:19:51 UTC 2018

Did you get a chance to review my previous email? Please let me know if you
did like to review few sample records from your target audience.
Look forward to hearing back.
From: Felisha [mailto:felisha at] 
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2018 9:47 AM
To: 'freebsd-stable at'
Subject: Hospital and Healthcare
Would you be interested in an email leads from the below mentioned titles? 
* Top IT Executives 
* Top Finance Executives 
* Top HR Executives 
* Top Sales and Marketing Executives 
* Doctors and Physicians 
* Dentists 
* Nurses 

I'd be glad to send more than few example records on the off chance that you
could throw some light on your intended interest group, and set up an
opportunity to talk about further. 
Have an incredible day! 
Felisha / CD Solutions 
In the event that you don't wish to get messages from us answer back with

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