Clock occasionally jumps backwards on 11.1-RELEASE

Robert Blayzor rblayzor.bulk at
Tue Jan 23 13:34:13 UTC 2018

On Jan 22, 2018, at 12:07 PM, Alan Somers <asomers at> wrote:
> * Sometimes the jumps happen immediately after ntpd adds a new server to
> its list, but not always.
> * I'm using the default ntp.conf file.
> * ntpd is running on both, and it should be the only process touching the
> clock.   I have a script running "ntpq -c peers" once a minute, which shows
> the offset for one server suddenly jump to a large negative number.  Then
> the offsets for other servers jump to the same value, then either ntpd
> fixes the clock or exits because the offset is too high.

- Lose ntpd running in jails and run it only on the host. Running in the jail is totally unnecessary.

- Is this a bare metal server or VM? Lots of clock issues with VM’s…

- Stagger your periodic jobs on the host and the jail so they don’t all run at the same time
  slamming the host.


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