AHCI and Highpoint Rocket 750

Alan Somers asomers at freebsd.org
Mon Jan 22 18:26:59 UTC 2018

On Mon, Jan 22, 2018 at 11:08 AM, FF <fusionfoto at gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a machine with the Highpoint card and motherboard based SATA drives.
> The drives from the MB support AHCI and appear as ada0-8. The drives on the
> highpoint card whether using native FreeBSD support or the Highpoint
> provided driver show up as da9-39.
> It is my understanding that AHCI is needed to support NCQ... I'm wondering
> what I need to do to get AHCI enabled. This seems to happen in both FreeBSD
> 9 and FreeBSD 10.
> thanks in advance!

AHCI has nothing to do with it.  The driver presents itself to the OS as a
SCSI HBA, even though the drives are SATA.  In fact, it might actually be
using a SCSI IC, but firmware-restricted to only connect to SATA drives.
In any case, the OS is going to try to use TCQ, and either the driver or
the firmware is going to translate those queued commands into NCQ.  You
don't need to change anything.


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