fist impressions of 12.0R

Lucas Nali de Magalhães rollingbits at
Sun Dec 16 23:12:24 UTC 2018

Hi everyone,

I think I found a bug… it's on a desktop system I keep on the last version and it's going from 11.2 to 12.0. The resume is:

# freebsd-update upgrade -r 12.0-RELEASE
Does this look reasonable (y/n)? n

A re-start wasn't what I expected. The program let me edit a file and asked for ok for 3 but when I said "no" it finished.

The first restart showed a little progress in kernel land. Thank you all for that.

After the next freebsd-update-install, the pkg left one program back. This is unusual but not unexpected: it happened in the past times, too. And the messages wasn't improved: there still no idea of what was the package left from the 600+ packages updated.

The upgrade of pkg could be easier, too. pkg gave me the command to use to update itself. At that stage, I expected it to be able to do all the work, and upgrade/reinstall everything under my request.

I think the report could continue a few more lines but it won't today.

Hope it helps,

rollingbits — 📧 rollingbits at 📧 rollingbits at 📧 rollingbits at 📧 rollingbits at 📧 rollingbits at

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