pax(1) needs to learn POSIX-pax format (by libarchive(3)?)

Harry Schmalzbauer freebsd at
Fri Nov 4 08:55:07 UTC 2016

Bezüglich David Magda's Nachricht vom 04.11.2016 03:56 (localtime):
> On Nov 1, 2016, at 13:44, Harry Schmalzbauer <freebsd at> wrote:
>> Has anyone ever thought about? Unfortunately I'm lacking skills and time :-(
> You’ll want to talk to the folks here:
> That is the upstream project. It actually started on FreeBSD over a decade ago but spun off on its own, and is used by a wider audience nowadays.
> I provided some sample Solaris-ACL files early in the development. If you provide some problematic files I’m sure they’ll be willing to help.

Hello David,

thanks for your hint. I'm using libarchive(3)'s pax-support by tar(1)
already, so I'm not sure if these are the ones interested to make pax(1)
use libarchive(3).

If I remember correctly I haven't had problems restoring files with
NFSv4 ACLs, but that's not the major problem anyway.

My real-world problem is that the pax(1) tool can't restore from/backup
to pax-format files. All supported formats by pax(1) have unpractical
path/filename length limits.
I'm aware of cpio(1) and tar(1)s transition to libarchive several years
ago. Unfortunetly pax(1) was overseen :-(

Would be wonderful if someone could catch up pax(1)'s libarchive(3)
transition, but I guess the libarchive developers aren't interested or
have very much spare resources…



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