10.1-BETA2 possible kernel memory leak in routing table

Rumen Telbizov telbizov at gmail.com
Tue Sep 30 16:52:22 UTC 2014


> Can you show route -Arn output ?

# route -Arn
route: illegal option -- A
route: usage: route [-46dnqtv] command [[modifiers] args]

Can you disable carp and see if this changes anything?

Unfortunately no. It is live and serving traffic. I will be rebuilding the
backup to 10 as well and testing things today. Hopefully it will give me a
bit more visibility.

> # Enable better lacp/lagg transmit distribution
>> net.link.lagg.default_use_flowid=0
> Are you sure this is really "better" ?

Absolutely. I have a lagg (lacp) interface between ix0 and ix1 and without
this option outgoing traffic (transmits) were being sent only via one of
the interfaces - ix0. With this option I have proper balancing on the
outgoing traffic.

Thank you,
Rumen Telbizov
Unix Systems Administrator <http://telbizov.com>

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