Gmirror + gpart corruption on 9.3-PRE

Dave Hayes dave at
Fri Jul 25 23:16:50 UTC 2014

On 07/24/2014 21:04, Warren Block wrote:
> On Thu, 24 Jul 2014, Dave Hayes wrote:
>> At 9.3-PRERELEASE #0 r268066M I've been trying unsucessfuly to set up
>> a brand shiny new gmirror + gpt style Raid 0 mirror using the
>> following procedure on a disk
>> gpart create -s gpt ada0
>> ( shows 931G of space)
>> gpart add -s 96G -t freebsd-swap -l swap0 ada0
>> gpart add -t freebsd-ufs -l rw0 ada0
>> gpart create -s gpt ada1
>> gpart add -s 96G -t freebsd-swap -l swap1 ada1
>> gpart add -t freebsd-ufs -l rw1 ada1
>> gmirror label swap /dev/ada0p1 /dev/ada1p1
>> gmirror label rw   /dev/ada0p2 /dev/ada1p2

I need to be clearer. Above is the point at which the corrupt table 
message is encountered. I believe the above is the equivalent of your 
method, and hence your method may not work on 9.3-PRE and above. If you 
happen to be able to test this, I'd be curious as to the results.

I'm going to try gmirroring the entire disk and and using BSD labels for 
separate partitions. I think this will have the effect I want, and it's 
worth a test.
Dave Hayes - Consultant - Altadena CA, USA - dave at
 >>>> *The opinions expressed above are entirely my own* <<<<

A neighbor asked Nasrudin to borrow his donkey. "It is out
on loan," said the Mulla. At that moment the donkey was
heard to bray, somewhere inside the stable. "But I can hear
it bray, in there."

"Whom do you believe," said the Mulla, "me or a donkey?"

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