Recommend FreeBSD VPS

Lucius Rizzo Lucius.Rizzo at Lucius.XxX
Wed Feb 19 22:31:39 UTC 2014

* Charles Sprickman <spork at> [2014-02-19 15:53]:
> On Feb 19, 2014, at 6:34 AM, Pete French wrote:
> > Not sure if what you are after is ajils, but I have had excellent
> > experience with Exonetric in the UK. They are the only people I now
> > use for FreeBSD hosting, both real hardware and jails.
> Most of these were coming from ColoCrossing IP space.  I suggest
> googling that company and looking up their blocks on your favorite
> RBLs, as there is a bit of drama there, but do note that many of the
> very low-cost VPS operations seem to be using this company.
> Be aware of who your neighbors are if your VPS needs to send email,
> or if you feel icky about getting a cheap VPS by moving into a shady
> neighborhood.

I echo your concern. ArsTechnica is running a series on how to run your
own mail server. Its actually well laid out. 

However, running a MTA (Or the entire mail/web) infrastructure is not an
easy endeavor. Nor is it always done right. Having newbs delve into
this world - past the SEO blogging wordpress spam, will just mean that
others who do legitimately run a proper mail server will suffer as
increased proliferation of newbs setting up a misconfigured mail server
(maybe even have some silly phpsendmail() that is exploited) spam

DigitalOcean is quickly becoming very popular and I think are poised to
find themselves in a situation like this. However, like any VPS
provider, spamming is one of many concerns. I have watched them struggle
with massive DDOS on a daily basis...

Another very legitimate concerns in spam will be burdened with the
plethora of New TLD's hitting the market (I shouldn't really complain I
now have two .guru and one .ventures) in 2014.

We do however have many layers before messages hit our mail servers...


|     _o    _ |_)o_ _  _  
|_|_|(_||_|_> | \|/_/_(_) - Lucius.Tel
++ "In the long run, every program becomes rococo, and then rubble." ++
++                                       -- Alan Perlis ++

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