And Here I Thought buildworld/makeworld Was IO Bound

Tim Daneliuk tundra at
Mon Feb 10 23:57:49 UTC 2014

On 02/10/2014 02:59 PM, Glen Barber wrote:
> There are two things to consider though.  I'm not cranking the number of
> '-j' as high as it probably can go.  I'm intentionally limiting it to
> 'j10' and '-j6' in order to do parallel builds.  I'm sure '-j24' or
> higher in this case would reduce overall build time.


> I'm just not comfortable doing that, because there are a few (sometimes
> easily-triggered, other times not so easily-triggered) race conditions
> that can cause the builds to fall over to easily.  So limiting to
> a relatively safe number, scaling out certainly does help.

I have seen this already trying to crank up the process from j8 to j16.

Thanks for the insight and help.  Most interesting.

Tim Daneliuk     tundra at
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