VirtualBox 4.3.6 keyboard repeats keystrokes

Mark Martinec Mark.Martinec+freebsd at
Tue Feb 4 12:18:43 UTC 2014

2014-02-03 21:38, CeDeROM (Tomek) wrote:
> I have noticed that quite often keystrokes are repeated in VBox 4.3.6
> OSE on FreeBSD-10.0 AMD64. For example when I press cursor left it
> repeats many times, letters also. The fast way to stop this is to
> switch to another application on my BSD box then switch back to VBox..
> Did anyone notice this behavior? What is the problem?

I had this problem when a virtual machine (Fedora latest, GUI) was
started from a remote machine, so its console opened over X11/ssh
to a remote server (10 Mb/s link). The host was FreeBSD 9.2,
virtual box 4.3.6.

It took extreme patience and several attempts to type in a command
in guest's xterm, having to pause after each quick keypress and wait
for the echo to show up. Casually typing would result in looong
autorepeats of some of the typed characters.

When guest's console was open locally on the host (not over x11/ssh
from a remote location), everything worked normally.


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