PKG wants to remove a lot of installed packages only to install MOZJPEG package

Michael Butler imb at
Mon Dec 29 15:59:18 UTC 2014

On 12/29/14 06:07, vermaden wrote:
> Hi,
> I wanted to add 'mozjpeg' package, but PKG wants to remove a lot of
> other packages in that process, any explanation for that?

> # pkg install mozjpeg
> Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
> FreeBSD repository is up-to-date.
> All repositories are up-to-date.
> Checking integrity... done (1 conflicting)
This tells me that mozjpeg installs files over the top of the jpeg
package and, in order to install it, needs to remove everything that
depends on it.

pkg has no way of knowing if mozjpeg has the same API as jpeg,


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