Unable to mount the root fs on stable/8 r264339, GENERIC kernel, with MBR, FreeBSD slice, and UFS volume labels

Chris H bsd-lists at bsdforge.com
Fri Apr 11 17:03:23 UTC 2014

> Hi,
> I have a couple of uncritical systems running stable/8 r258344.
> Hardware is Dell OptiPlex GX260, BIOS A09, which is the latest rev.
> The r264339 GENERIC kernel are unable to mount the root fs from the
> hard drive using MBR, FreeBSD slice, and UFS volume labels.
You didn't indicate where it won't mount the drives from. Is this from
the releng_8 install media. In other words, When booting the install
media, the installer can't find the drive(s)? Or is it something else?
When you're presented with the problem, what's the output of ls /dev
do any of ad0* da0* show up? If so, what's the output from
gpart list ad0s1 and the likes?

> r258344 obviously can.
> I even tried regular device names like /dev/ad0s1a in /etc/fstab, and
> at the mountroot> prompt, i.e. ufs:/dev/ad0s1a. The kernel still
> cannot mount the root fs.
> The new kernel (r264339) does recognize the ad0 harddrive, and ad0 is
> listed as one of the GEOM managed disk devices; acd0 being the other
> one.
> Do I need to load additional geom modules, or is it a genuine bug?
> I have recreated the same conditions on a spare GX260, yes, I have
> plenty of them.
> In addition there was some problems with the USB subsystem, so I
> disabled USB in the BIOS for now. USB is not essential for any of my
> systems.
> Maybe it's time to leave stable/8 and enter stable/10 or stable/9.
> I'll try to compile stable/9 on the spare system, and see how it
> fares.
> Any thoughts regarding the problem mounting the root fs?
> --
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