Empty @cwd in some ports

Daniel O'Connor doconnor at gsoft.com.au
Wed Mar 20 10:43:34 UTC 2013

I noticed I have a lot of ports which have an empty @cwd line in the +CONTENTS file (even after reinstalling).

For example a2ps..
@name a2ps-a4-4.13b_4
@comment ORIGIN:print/a2ps-a4
@cwd /usr/local
@pkgdep xineramaproto-1.2.1
@comment DEPORIGIN:x11/xineramaproto
@exec /sbin/ldconfig -m /usr/local/lib
@unexec /sbin/ldconfig -R
@comment OPTIONS:+NLS -I18N +EMACS
@dirrm share/licenses/a2ps-a4-4.13b_4

And curl..
@name curl-7.24.0_2
@comment ORIGIN:ftp/curl
@cwd /usr/local
@pkgdep ca_root_nss-3.14.3
@comment DEPORIGIN:security/ca_root_nss
@dirrm share/licenses/curl-7.24.0_2
@unexec rmdir %D/share/licenses 2>/dev/null || true

This seems pretty broken but I am not sure what causes it :(
[midget 21:09] /var/db/pkg >egrep -l '@cwd $' */+CONTENTS| wc -l

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software - http://www.gsoft.com.au
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