kldload if_igb twice needed to bring nic into operation

Harald Schmalzbauer h.schmalzbauer at omnilan.de
Mon Oct 22 19:33:42 UTC 2012


when using igb as module, no packet is received.
If I send out anything, I see the packet with tcpdump,  also the switch
learns the MAC address, but nothing comes back in - total silenc, no
boradcasts, nothing.
If I unload the module and load it again, everything works as expected!
No matter if I load it by 4th loader, or later, I always have tio unload
first then load it again.
I'ts late here, I'll see tomorrow if things change when compieled into
Maby somebody has an idea what the source of the problem could be.
Please find atteched some info, the OS is 9-RC2-amd64 on ESXi5.1 and
nics are pci-passthrough.
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