Problem reading vitals from Gigabyte H77-DH3H

Derek Kulinski takeda at
Sat Oct 20 21:17:03 UTC 2012

Hello Andriy,

Saturday, October 20, 2012, 1:09:10 PM, you wrote:

> on 20/10/2012 22:42 Andriy Gapon said the following:
>> on 20/10/2012 22:20 Derek Kulinski said the following:
>>> I have three questions though:
>>> 1. The motherboard has 4 fan sockets (as far as I can tell), CPU_FAN,
>>>    and SYS_FAN[1-3]. SYS_FAN1 currently is not connected.
>>>    Seems like:
>>>      fan0 -> CPU_FAN (did not try to disconnect it to check :)
>>>      fan1 -> SYS_FAN1
>>>      fan2 -> SYS_FAN2
>>>    There is no entry for SYS_FAN3. I disconnected it temporarily but
>>>    it did not seem to affect the output. Is it possible to get that
>>>    information from the motherboard?
>> The driver would have to be updated for that.
>> Unfortunately ITE does not provide public datasheets.
>> We could pick up some new bits from the Linux driver though.

> In fact, here is a completely untested patch:

hw.sensors.it0.fan0: 997 RPM
hw.sensors.it0.fan1: invalid
hw.sensors.it0.fan2: 1352 RPM
hw.sensors.it0.fan3: 1222 RPM
hw.sensors.it0.fan4: invalid
hw.sensors.it0.volt0: 2,70 VDC (VCORE_A)
hw.sensors.it0.volt1: 4,60 VDC (VCORE_B)
hw.sensors.it0.volt2: 0,06 VDC (+3.3V)
hw.sensors.it0.volt3: -5,08 VDC (+5V)
hw.sensors.it0.volt4: -6,53 VDC (+12V)
hw.sensors.it0.volt5: 3,74 VDC (Unused)
hw.sensors.it0.volt6: 2,14 VDC (-12V)
hw.sensors.it0.volt7: 301,15 VDC (+5VSB)
hw.sensors.it0.volt8: 298,15 VDC (VBAT)
hw.sensors.it0.temp0: 22,00 degC
hw.sensors.it0.temp1: -273,15 degC
hw.sensors.it0.temp2: -273,15 degC

Looks like the 3rd fan is visible. BTW: The value invalid shows when
it is unplugged, wouldn't value "0 RPM" make more sense in that case?
At least that's what BIOS reports for unplugged fans.

Looks like the the temperatures are messed up. Looks like 2 last
voltage values is the temperature.

> P.S. Just to satisfy my curiosity - could you please add a printf in it_attach
> that would print the value read from ITD_COREID?

Here it is the output (as decimal):
Oct 20 14:08:04 chinatsu kernel: it0 at port 0xa30-0xa37 on isa0
Oct 20 14:08:04 chinatsu kernel: it0: ITD_COREID = 18

As for using Linux CD I can't do it immediatelly, the box does not
have cdrom, besides I don't have any image lying around. Any
recommendation for something that I could boot from USB and would be
able to provide everything you need?
Best regards,
 Derek                            mailto:takeda at

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