Problem reading vitals from Gigabyte H77-DH3H

Andriy Gapon avg at
Sat Oct 20 08:26:48 UTC 2012

on 20/10/2012 11:08 Derek Kulinski said the following:
> Hello Andriy,
> Saturday, October 20, 2012, 12:37:19 AM, you wrote:
>> Could you please also fetch sysutils/superiotool port from here
>>, replace what you have
>> under /usr/ports, install the port and then run 'superiotool -d' command?
> No luck:
> [chinatsu]:/tank/junk/ports/sysutils/superiotool# superiotool -d
> superiotool r4.0-2827-g1a00cf0
> No Super I/O found

Hmm, it would be a pity if all of this was a waste of time...
I based some of my assumptions on googling, in particular this post mentioned:
Found ITE Super I/O, ID 0x8728 on port 0x2e
BTW, I suppose "DH3H" in the subject line is a typo?  Or is it a different model?

Oh, hmm, looks like even the latest superiotool may not have support for this
newer chip.
Could you please run superiotool -V | fgrep Failed | fgrep -v ff ?
If this command returns id=0x8728, then you could hack superiotool source code
between running 'make patch' and 'make'.  You could edit ite.c file, search for
0x8726 and either change it to 0x8728 or duplicate the whole section and make
the change there.

Andriy Gapon

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