FreeBSD 10-CURRENT and 9-STABLE snapshots

Glen Barber gjb at
Wed Oct 10 23:53:28 UTC 2012

On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 12:47:32AM +0100, Bruce Cran wrote:
> On 11/10/2012 00:40, Glen Barber wrote:
> > This is a problem, and for what it is worth (and as Mark mentioned in a
> > previous reply), the end goal is "official" snapshots.
> I think a lot of people will be wondering what's special about _your_ 
> snapshots that they'll become official 

The answer is simple.  "Nothing."  We're all on the same team here.

> why not just make the official source?

Because offloading official snapshots to third-party sites (any
third-party site) rather than doing the work ourselves is the wrong


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