FreeBSD 10-CURRENT and 9-STABLE snapshots

Claude Buisson clbuisson at
Wed Oct 10 17:04:31 UTC 2012

On 10/10/2012 14:46, Jakub Lach wrote:
> "Any questions and suggestions are welcome. Contact hrs at"
> But good catch, if your reasoning is indeed correct.
Honestly, my message was also a test about the current state of the svn to cvs
gateway. Is it down without nobody taking care ? or have it been killed without
a proper announcement ?

I have migrated to svn, and I "enjoy" the following "benefits":

- I had to install a complete VCS I have no (other) need of,
- compared to cvsup, the svn update logs are too terse, and need to be sorted,
- the response times of are nearly unbearable, at least from
my small european village,
- the disk usage more than doubled, but GBytes are cheap as say those who do not
pay with their own wallet,
- my backups take now a too loooonnnggg time

Perharps des@ svnsup project will succeed but there not seems to be much activity.

As an addon, according to, svn-ports have not been updated
since more than a day...

> And for the record, they are NOT official snapshots.

I know, but:

- there are no more "official snapshots" on
- anybody enquiring about it on the lists is directed to
- the recently created is much more limited

Claude Buisson

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