9.0 Install and serial terminal

Nenhum_de_Nos matheus at eternamente.info
Wed Mar 28 20:29:03 UTC 2012


I have some problems trying to install 9.0-BETA3 using a serial terminal. I edited to have it boot
using serial console, that was fine, but I can't get it to create the slices the size I want. I
say 1g to create a swap, and it puts there -56GB as size. Next I try to set 4GB to /var, using 4g
or 4GB, and it sets 1.5GB.

 FreeBSD Installer

            │ Create partitions for FreeBSD. No changes will be    │
            │ made until you select Finish.                        │
            ││  ada0s4      59 GB     BSD                         ││
            ││    ada0s4a   2.0 GB    freebsd-ufs    /            ││
            ││    ada0s4b   -56 GB    freebsd-swap   none         ││
            ││    ada0s4d   1.5 GB    freebsd-ufs    /var         ││
            ││da0           3.8 GB    GPT                         ││
            ││  da0p1       64 kB     freebsd-boot                ││
            ││  da0p2       535 MB    freebsd-ufs                 ││
            ││                                                    ││
            &#9474;<Create> <Delete> <Modify> <Revert> < Auto > <Finish> &#9474;

 Add a new partition

to add to this, I couldn't find where to say that I'd like that or this partition to be formatted,
and how to create labels to it.

is this supposed to happen this way ? Am I doing something wrong ?



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