FYI: 9.0-RELEASE announced...

Doug Barton dougb at
Sat Jan 14 09:47:03 UTC 2012

On 01/14/2012 01:39, Claude Buisson wrote:

> And can we say that 9.0-RELEASE is the first FreeBSD release not
> including the release documentation on the distribution media ?

There are a variety of things that could be improved about the release
note generation process, however the actual process of doing the release
takes a non-trivial amount of time, and the fact that they are available
on line coincident with the release is a plus.

To have re-started the process of seeding the release files out to all
the mirrors (or holding it for the release docs in the first place)
would have further delayed a long-overdue delivery. The release
engineers made the best decision they could under the circumstances.

> On an another topic, as the author of PR 162190, I am afraid that this
> release, as built, is not able to play audio CDs with popular applications like
> VLC: the needed commit (r230014) has been done by mav@ in stable/9 on Jan 12.

Yep, that's a known issue, and as you point out, the solution is already



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