FYI: 9.0-RELEASE announced...

Claude Buisson clbuisson at
Sat Jan 14 09:39:40 UTC 2012

On 01/14/2012 11:00, perryh at wrote:
> Ken Smith<kensmith at>  wrote:
>> The release notes were not ready at the point we started up the
>> release builds so the online versions are the only ones that have
>> any useful information in them.
> Perhaps the final version could be made MFCd to the errata/security
> branch, and/or added to the FTP sites alongside the ISOs.
> In the future, might it be useful to delay the release until the
> release notes are available?  I would _guess_ that doing a partial
> build, of only the release notes, would not take all that long.
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And can we say that 9.0-RELEASE is the first FreeBSD release not including the
release documentation on the distribution media ?

On an another topic, as the author of PR 162190, I am afraid that this release,
as built, is not able to play audio CDs with popular applications like VLC: the
needed commit (r230014) has been done by mav@ in stable/9 on Jan 12.

Claude Buisson

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