Jenkins+FreeBSD handbooks

Bernhard Fröhlich decke at
Sun Aug 5 17:37:37 UTC 2012

On Fri, Aug 3, 2012 at 9:33 PM, Marin Atanasov Nikolov <dnaeon at> wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 3, 2012 at 10:14 PM, Bernhard Fröhlich <decke at> wrote:
> Hello Bernhard,
>> Thanks a lot for that tutorials. They look very interesting and I was
>> always curious how much work it would have been to implement something
>> like on top of Jenkins. But obviously my decision was
>> correct that jenkins would not fit in such a situation.
> Could you clarify a bit more why you think Jenkins does not fit well there?
> I don't know how is designed and how it scales, but with
> Jenkins it's quite easy to create a package build farm for distributed
> building.

Redports is a public compile testing environment for FreeBSD ports. So like
Ports Tinderbox but with a nice multiuser GUI, cluster functionality for
scaling and an own Subversion tree for the users to commit their ports to.

Before I decided to write the code myself I had a closer look at Bitten and
Jenkins. Both could be made into what redports is now but they all have
their weak spots. Jenkins GUI looks very cluttered and is quite hard to
understand if you just want to manually schedule a few new jobs for your
ports as Joe Average. It's also quite hard to understand and complex as a
developer and administrator so I was concerned that fixing it if it breaks is
non trivial. Not to talk about all the special customizations that we need
which would require me to write extensions in Java and understand how
all that jenkins internals work.

Bitten looked simpler and less complex but would also work for standard
things but it got me on the right track to use Trac as webinterface and just
extend Trac with a custom plugin that includes a few simple pages to
have an overview of jobs and add new ones.

> Jenkins comes with lots of ready-to-use plugins as well, which makes
> it easier to integrate a particular thing easier as well and not
> re-invent the wheel.

Yeah that is nice and there is almost everything that you can think of but
none of them did what I needed. A simple web interface for average people
that don't want to learn Jenkins internals and is easily customizable. Probably
there is a plugin for that but I didn't find it. Writing some glue code around
tinderbox to schedule new jobs, checkout repositories and such stuff is
custom code anyway.

>> A more suitable place for jenkins would be automatic building our doc
>> tree on every commit. But I don't know if that doesn't already exist.
> Yep, that's one of the things we could use Jenkins for, but I would
> say we could use it for lots of other stuff as well :)

I'm sure we could. Examples?

Bernhard Froehlich

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