Best way to switch from Linux to BSD

Doug Barton dougb at
Tue Mar 29 06:26:15 UTC 2011

On 03/28/2011 22:32, Jason Hsu wrote:
> I've been trying to switch from Linux to BSD for my everyday computing (email, word processing, spreadsheets, etc.), but I couldn't get things to work properly.  I've been so spoiled by the quickness and user-friendliness of antiX/Swift Linux and Puppy Linux for so long.  I have a backlog of stuff to do, so I'm sticking to Linux for now as my main OS.  However, I might try BSD in VirtualBox and on my laptop.
> Are there any good tutorials for using BSD on the desktop?

Simple answer, if your only goal is to have a Unix-like desktop, you're 
better off sticking with Linux. FreeBSD is not really focused on desktop 
use, whereas a lot of the Linux distributions are, and if you're happy 
with the ones you are using there is no good reason to switch.

If you want to use FreeBSD as a desktop because you have a desire to 
learn FreeBSD, your best bet is visit the home page at, look under Documentation, and start reading the 

hope this helps,



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