Can't boot after make installworld

Dan Naumov dan.naumov at
Mon Mar 22 22:00:19 UTC 2010

On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 10:41 PM, Krzysztof Dajka <alteriks at> wrote:
> I've read that FreeBSD kernel supports 3D acceleration in ATI R7xx
> chipset and as I own motherboard with HD3300 built-in I thought that I
> would give it a try. I upgraded to see if there is any progress with
> ¿zfs? I don't really know if it's zfs related, but at certain load, my
> system crashes, and reboots. It happens only when using bonnie++ to
> benchmark I/O.

If you can consistently panic your 8.0 system with just bonnie++
alone, something is really really wrong. Are you using an amd64 system
with 2gb ram or more or is this i386 + 1-2gb ram? Amd64 systems with
2gb ram or more don't really usually require any tuning whatsoever
(except for tweaking performance for a specific workload), but if this
is i386, tuning will be generally required to archieve stability.

- Sincerely,
Dan Naumov

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