Does zfs have it's own nfs server?

Willem Jan Withagen wjw at
Sat Mar 20 12:16:05 UTC 2010

On 20-3-2010 0:50, Charles Sprickman wrote:
> Just wondering, is this using the base nfsd/mountd, or is there some
> in-kernel nfs code strictly for zfs? I haven't found much info on the
> share* options in the manpage or wiki.

There's also the complete ZFS manual you should read:

It's for Solaris, so perhaps not everything works on FreeBSD. But most 
of it will.

> Could you give an example of passing options that would say, limit to a
> subnet and map root to root using the zfs sharenfs command?

Something like this: (Email might wrap the line)
	zfs set sharenfs='-alldirs -maproot=0 -network -mask' zfsdata/home/wjw

to export /home/wjw which is available as /zfsdata/home/wjw in ZFS.

All the zfs does is add this to the /etc/zfs/exports file.
And then the regular mountd/nfsd combo does the NDS-service.


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