Strange problem: if_xe only works in GENERIC kernel

Joerg Wunsch j at
Thu Mar 18 20:54:22 UTC 2010

Lowell Gilbert <freebsd-stable-local at> wrote:

> Try "device cbb".  Also make sure you have pccard.  I don't think
> you'll need cardbus with that setup, but I'm not certain.

cbb, pccard, and also cardbus are part of the kernel config.  I
originally left out xe on purpose (so I could e.g. recompile it while
the machine is running), but even when I include it, the problem

It's something else, but I've got no idea what.  The really bad thing
is that it completely halts the machine until pulling the card.  I've
been using that very same card in that TP 600E regularly years before,
with older FreeBSD versions, without much problems.  (There's a
generic problem on the TP600 where you have to provide an explicit
memory start address beyond regular RAM in loader.conf, e.g.

cheers, J"org               .-.-.   --... ...--   -.. .  DL8DTL                        NIC: JW11-RIPE
Never trust an operating system you don't have sources for. ;-)

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