em(4) interface hangs under 8.0-RELEASE

Thomas Hurst tom.hurst at clara.net
Sat Mar 6 18:36:12 UTC 2010

* Jack Vogel (jfvogel at gmail.com) wrote:

> Its using MSI? Given that its PCI-X I have no idea how robust MSI is,
> how bout you compile it with that disabled, use legacy IRQ and see
> if that makes any diff.

I'm seeing similar issues with a quad port 82546EB card, and they're not
using MSI as far as I can tell; IRC 28-31.  MSI's are >127 or so I

> Using TSO on anything pre-PCI Express is a bad idea, probably why
> its gotten a bad rep in the em driver.

Don't see TSO in ifconfig options, but will issue an ifconfig em3 -tso
to see if it makes any difference.

Interestingly I can pull 30-60MB/s to/from em0 (LAN) without any
problems, but pulling 5MB/s from em3 has repeatedly led to the interface
just going silent until I bounce it.  Quite intermitent though,
sometimes it dies in the first second or two, sometimes I can pull down
20GB without a hitch.

Thomas 'Freaky' Hurst

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