immense delayed write to file system (ZFS and UFS2), performance issues

Damian Gerow dgerow at
Wed Jan 27 00:50:02 UTC 2010

Dan Naumov wrote:
: >This drive is sitting, unused, with no filesystem, and I've performed
: >approximately zero writes to the disk.
: >
: >Having a script kick off and write to a disk will help so long as that
: >disk is writable; if it's being used as a hot spare in a raidz array, it's
: >not going to help much.
: I wouldn't worry in your particular case. A value of 2710 in 508 hours
: is a rate of 5,33/hour. At this rate, it's going to take you 56285
: hours or 2345 days to reach 300,000 and most disks will likely
: function past 400,000 (over 600,000 all bets are off though). The
: people who need(ed) to worry were people like me, who were seeing the
: rate increase at a rate of 43+ per hour.

Which is why I haven't spoken up on the thread -- I'm not terribly worried.

Specific cases aside, writing to the FS is a workaround to a rather
inconvenient issue.  I, too, would like to see if the problem is fixed, not
avoided, by using wdidle -- but I suspect I'll have to contact WD myself to
get that confirmation.

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