7.2 dies in zfs

Svein Skogen (listmail account) svein-listmail at stillbilde.net
Sat Nov 21 01:23:11 UTC 2009

Hash: SHA1

Randy Bush wrote:
> imiho, zfs can not be called production ready if it crashes if you do
> not stand on your left leg, put your right hand in the air, and burn
> some eye of newt.

That just about sums up my impression. Nine out of ten for porting the
code. one out of hundred for the documentation.

ZFS works, when you actually get it up and running (after sorting out
the various tuning quirks it needs, such as limiting the arc cache so
other processes don't time out when it flushes the cache), but it
DEFINITELY needs a little more spitshine in the documentation
department. Along with manpages that don't refer to sun manpages never
going into FreeBSD.


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  /"\   |Svein Skogen       | svein at d80.iso100.no
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