ZFS MFC heads up

Andriy Gapon avg at icyb.net.ua
Thu May 21 14:53:20 UTC 2009

on 21/05/2009 17:12 Louis Mamakos said the following:
> FYI, I just did an upgrade of my RELENG_7 machine with the new ZFS
> merged in, and it seems to have gone mostly trouble-free.  I noticed one
> weirdness that could be confusion on my part - I'm no longer seeing
> snapshots when I do 'zfs list'.  There's a UI change in the zfs command,
> and to see snapshots, you have to explicitly ask for them:
> zfs list -t snapshot
> scared me there for a moment..

Do 'zpool get all <poolname>', it might give you a hint as to why :-)

Andriy Gapon

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