kern/134584: [panic] spin lock held too long

barbara barbara.xxx1975 at
Mon Jul 27 21:56:12 UTC 2009

> 2009/7/26 barbara <barbara.xxx1975 at>:
> > It happened again, on shutdown.
> > As the previous time, it happened after a high (for a desktop) uptime and, if it could matter, after running net-p2p/transmission-gtk2 for several hours.
> > I don't know if it's related, but often quitting transmission, doesn't terminate the process. Sometimes it end after several minutes the gui exited, sometimes it's still running after hours.
> > I've noticed it as the destination folder is on a manually mounted device and I can't umount it as fstat reports the device used by a transmission process.
> > So I often have to kill it.
> > This happened both the time I had this kind of panic.
> What hw is that? How many CPUs does it have?

It's desktop pc, dual Athlon CPU, VIA chipset and...
You can find my dmesg.boot here:
Aks if you need more info!

In the meanwhile I've rebuilt my kernel adding WITNESS, KDB, DDB options. Is this what you need?
I'm not able to work with the debugger. I suppose I have to type the commands you asked (ps, show alllocks) when it's panicking and the debbugger starts and write down the output with pen and paper, am I corrent? Or is there a way to redirect or dump the output somewhere?
Sorry, I'll try reading the chapter in the dev. handbook and I will try to do my best, but please, tell me if you have some suggestions.

I'll try to reproduce the problem, even it's not happening regularly.
If you need more info or to test code, etc. I'll be glad to help you.
BTW, can the output of crashinfo be of any help? Here you can find ps -axl from crashinfo:


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