Request for testing - top 3.8b1 in the base system

Edwin Groothuis edwin at
Sun Sep 28 09:49:34 UTC 2008

On Sun, Sep 28, 2008 at 11:33:57AM +0200, Stefan `Sec` Zehl wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sun, Sep 28, 2008 at 15:46 +1000, Edwin Groothuis wrote:
> > The new code can be found on
> >
> > Go to 3.8b1/usr.sbin/top and run "make" there to produce the binary,
> > then run it via "./top".
> compiles and runs fine on my box:
> FreeBSD ice 7.1-PRERELEASE FreeBSD 7.1-PRERELEASE #17: Wed Sep  3 23:59:58 CEST 2008     root at ice:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/ICE  amd64
> > Please report any issues with it (compile time, run time) and a way
> > to reproduce it (if possible). Thanks for your help!
> The number of sleeping processes is much lower than system top:
> oldtop: 480 processes: 3 running, 450 sleeping, 2 stopped, 7 zombie, 18 waiting
> newtop: 190 processes: 3 running, 160 sleeping, 2 stopped, 7 zombie, 18 waiting

Oh yes, I forgot about that:

The old top(1) and new top(1) counts the processes different:

- "ps xauw | wc" gives 265
- "ps xauwH | wc" gives 295 (expand threads)

- old top gives 240 processes.
- old top + "S" (system processes) gives 292 processes.
- old top + "H" (threads) gives 240 "processes"
- old top + "S" (system processes) + "H" (threads) gives 292 "processes"

- new top gives 260 processes
- new top + "S" (system processes) gives 260 processes
- new top + "H" (threads) gives 292 *threads*
- new top + "S" (system processes) + "H" (threads) gives 292 *threads*

This is only for the summary menu, not for the process list.

Thanks for your feedback, it is surely something which needs to be
written down in the official announcement.


Edwin Groothuis      |            Personal website:
edwin at    |              Weblog:

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