Upcoming Releases Schedule...

Aragon Gouveia aragon at phat.za.net
Sat Sep 20 02:07:05 UTC 2008

>From what I've gathered so far...

| By Jo Rhett <jrhett at netconsonance.com>
|                                          [ 2008-09-20 02:46 +0200 ]
> To get a business to commit resources to a project there must be an  
> actual goal.

[1] The FreeBSD project would have to commit resources too.  Its community
that provides those resources need to see tangible work that is useful to
the project before committing any resources to it.

> And to reach that actual goal there must be both (a) a  
> plan to get there, (b) a reasoned assessment of the effort involved,  
> etc etc and (z) the effort taking place to reach that goal.

For (a), (b), and (z), this is where you come in.  Define the goal.  Make a
plan to get there.  Assess the effort involved.  Convince your employer that
(a), (b) and (z) is worth it to him/her and that the result of (z) will
convince the FreeBSD project to commit the resources needed to integrate it. 
If they're happy, start working on (z) and bring it to the FreeBSD project
when you think it's ready.

If the FreeBSD project has to be involved in (a), (b), or (z), it will
have to commit its own resources to the effort.  See [1].

Just my humble observation as a fellow FreeBSD user...


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