Upcoming Releases Schedule...

Jo Rhett jrhett at netconsonance.com
Wed Sep 17 22:02:43 UTC 2008

> On Mon, 15 Sep 2008, Jo Rhett wrote:
>> Robert, I'd like to point out to you that when I complained about  
>> 6.2's accelerated EoL, I was soundly boxed around the ears and told  
>> that I should have been paying attention to the projected EoL date  
>> when we decided to roll out 6.2 across the business.
>> Now you are saying that expected EoL will be determined at some  
>> random point in the future based on gut feelings about how well a  
>> completely different branch is doing.
>> How can I reconcile these disparate points of view?  How does one  
>> focus on testing and upgrade cycle for an "appropriately supported  
>> release" when the decision for the support cycle is completely up  
>> in the air?
On Sep 16, 2008, at 12:47 PM, Robert Watson wrote:
> The FreeBSD Project, as with any other company or organization,  
> responds to events as they occur.  We try to plan ahead, and when  
> things go better or worse than expected, we sometimes change the  
> plans.  As far as I know we've never *shortened* the expected  
> support timeline for any branch or release, but we have on occasion  
> lenthened them when we feel it's important to do so.  I'm not sure  
> what other answer is possible.

No other answer.  But nobody has yet provided what the EoL period is  
going to be.  I have no problems with a period being extended ;-)  But  
the business needs to know the minimum EoL for a given release to  
determine if upgrading to that release is viable.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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