Fwd: FreeBSD 7.1 Content
Randy Pratt
bsd-unix at embarqmail.com
Tue Sep 9 02:27:35 UTC 2008
On Mon, 8 Sep 2008 17:50:08 -0500
linimon at lonesome.com (Mark Linimon) wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 07, 2008 at 08:06:24AM -0400, Randy Pratt wrote:
> > Additionally, I've never seen a clear way of synchronizing a
> > local ports tree to that used to create the "LATEST" packages.
> There's really not a way to easily track this, especially with the
> fact that we tend to run incremental updates. The best approximation
> we can give you is e.g.:
> http://pointyhat.freebsd.org/errorlogs/amd64-6-latest/cvsdone
> but if there were manual updates to the tree, then the cvsdone files
> may be out-of-date. In addition, if there were checkins in progress
> as of that time, the tree may be inconsistent in the first place :-/
> I used to have a page that indexed those and a lot of other statistics
> but it is currently broken. I need to put fixing that on the TODO list.
If its not an easy thing to do then its probably not worth spending
Release Engineering time on it. Personally, I quit using packages
in the 2.x-3.x days since there were far less problems building
everything from sources and not trying to mix pre-built packages
and locally built ports. That was the only reason I mentioned the
Thanks for taking the time to explain why it isn't an easy thing to
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