Upcoming Releases Schedule...

Ben Kaduk minimarmot at gmail.com
Fri Sep 5 20:19:24 UTC 2008

On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 2:40 PM, Jo Rhett <jrhett at netconsonance.com> wrote:
>>>> Where can one find the expected EoL for these releases?
>> On Wed, Sep 03, 2008 at 09:24:04PM -0700, Nathan Way wrote:
>>> http://www.freebsd.org/security/security.html#supported-branches
>>> To quote from the above web site: (snip)
> On Sep 4, 2008, at 6:36 AM, Wesley Shields wrote:
>> These are the existing releases.  I believe Jo was looking for EoL for
>> 7.1 and 6.4 once they are released.
> Yes, thank you.

To quote from the same website:
Early adopter
    Releases which are published from the -CURRENT branch will be
supported by the Security Officer for a minimum of 6 months after the
    Releases which are published from a -STABLE branch will be
supported by the Security Officer for a minimum of 12 months after the
    Selected releases will be supported by the Security Officer for a
minimum of 24 months after the release.

I don't remember seeing any speculation about 6.4 being an extended
release, so, EoL is 12 months after release, whenever that actually

I thought this was mentioned in the previous thread you started about EoL,
but I didn't see it in a quick search.

>> The answer to that is not clear -
>> nor do I know if it should be clear yet.  I don't know when the type of
>> support decision is made, but I suspect it's not this early in the
>> process.
> The release date for 6.4 is ~30 days away, isn't it?
> Also given that we've previously seen overlaps such that a newer version is
> only supported to the same EoL as the older version, that would pretty much
> dictate that spending resources on testing 6.4-REL and/or upgrading would be
> futile.

That's the difference between a long-term-support branch and a regular branch;
many OSes do that.  If you want to run the same machines for a long time and
not have to do a huge battery of tests (at the expense of getting new features
and better performance in the interim), you use long-term branches.
The regular branches that get released later, will then become unsupported
at the same time as the (older) long-term branch.

Yes, it's poor when a long-term branch goes EoL before there's another one
ready to take its place, but if the new one isn't ready, then you just use
whichever regular release is current and then snag a long-term release
when it becomes available.  Yes, it's more work, but that's life.

-Ben Kaduk

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