WARNING: 7-STABLE BROKEN -- please wait to upgrade

John Birrell jb at what-creek.com
Sun Aug 31 23:35:40 UTC 2008

On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 07:32:14PM -0400, Alex Goncharov wrote:
> | or
> | 
> | 2. Delete the obj tree before building anything new. 
> | 
> | > Is everything supposed to work out of box now?
> | 
> | Yes, but an obj tree from a broken build will cause problems.
> That's a bit strange:
> 1. What in it could cause problems?  Doesn't `buildworld' clean out
>    everything in the `obj' tree, other than the "build counter"?

It's supposed to, but I don't trust it. There is no substitute for
a rm -rf of the obj tree. That's also quicker.

> 2. I did my rebuild (after the message I sent out this morning),
>    without touching `obj' by hand -- and everything came out all
>    right.

If that works for you, great.

Sorry about the problems.

Johb Birrell

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