fsck_ufs locked in snaplk

Dmitry Morozovsky marck at rinet.ru
Mon Apr 24 05:24:12 UTC 2006

On Sun, 23 Apr 2006, Kris Kennaway wrote:

kKK> > one of my servers had to be rebooted uncleanly and then I have backgrounded 
KK> > fsck locked for more than an our in snaplk:
KK> > 
KK> > 742 root         1  -4    4  1320K   688K snaplk   0:02  0.00% fsck_ufs
KK> > 
KK> > File system in question is 200G gmirror on SATA. Usually making a snapshot 
KK> > (e.g., for making dumps) consumes 3-4 minutes for that fs, so it seems to me 
KK> > that filesystem is in a deadlock.
KK> Is the process performing I/O?  Background fsck deliberately runs at a
KK> slow rate so it does not destroy I/O performance on the rest of the
KK> system.

Nope. For that case, 50+ smbds had been locked in 'ufs' state, so I've been 
urged to revive the machine and reboot, turning off bgfsck.

This night, dump -L locks in the same position on the same filesystem:

0  2887  2886   0  -4  0  1260   692 snaplk D     ??    0:01.28 
/sbin/mksnap_ffs root    0.0  0.1  5:19AM

it has been started at 5:19am, and now is 9:20 - no disk activity

For the reference: it's fresh RELENG_6_1/i386.

D.Marck                                     [DM5020, MCK-RIPE, DM3-RIPN]
*** Dmitry Morozovsky --- D.Marck --- Wild Woozle --- marck at rinet.ru ***

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