General consensus about upgrading from 5.x to 6.x?

Mike Tancsa mike at
Thu Oct 20 06:14:14 PDT 2005

At 08:59 AM 20/10/2005, Thomas T. Veldhouse wrote:
>I run a very small home office network and domain off of my DSL.
>Currently, I have a FreeBSD 5.4p8 firewall (pf) running.  I am 
>really not having any issues, but sometimes the machines gets a bit 
>stodgy for no solid reason [load shouldn't be that high].  I have 
>considered the jump to 6.0

6.0 is not really like the previous dot zero releases.  6.0 is more 
akin of going from 3.1 to 3.2 as opposed to 4.x to 5.0.  It really is 
quite stable

>How well does the new ULE scheduler (presumably no preemption) play 
>on servers in 6.0?

Stick with the regular scheduler.  ULE is supposed to be fixed, but YMMV


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