Boot loader cant identify ntfs?

Ian Dowse iedowse at
Wed May 18 17:56:54 PDT 2005

In message <20050518162535.B87264 at>, Doug White writes:
>On Wed, 18 May 2005, Matthias Buelow wrote:
>> Obviously the Right Way of doing such things is to move this into the
>> 2nd stage boot loader... I can't think of any reason (except quick
>> hackery) why this hasn't been done that way.  I mean, one could retain a
>> simple choice of which disk/partition to boot in the 1st stage (to cover
>> all eventualities), and maybe hide it by having to hit a key, and do the
>> real menu in the 2nd stage, perhaps integrated with the kernel options
>> boot menu.
>Then the space problem just migrates.  There's a limited amount of space
>in the disklabel for bootblocks and I think we're pushing that.

BTW, one potential improvement to the current boot0 situation would
be to have boot0cfg dynamically generate the OS table based on what
partition types actually exist on the disk. That would allow a bit
more flexibility without increasing the space requirement. Anyone
care to attempt a patch for this?


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