loader causes reboot

Jonathan Noack noackjr at alumni.rice.edu
Mon May 9 16:04:49 PDT 2005

On 5/8/2005 10:57 PM, Jonathan Noack wrote:
> On 05/08/05 14:29, David Gurvich wrote:
>> cdrom /boot/loader from 5.3 has no problem.  However, after updating 
>> world from kernel, /boot/loader is replaced with cvs version.  This 
>> one goes into endless cycle of reboots.  When replaced with 
>> /boot/loader from cdrom boots normally.
> Are you setting CPUTYPE?  A few people have reported an endless reboot 
> with the athlon-xp or pentium-m settings.  I experience this on my 
> athlon-xp and the only workaround I've found is just to not set CPUTYPE. 
>  This problem is way beyond my feeble skills to track down and fix, but 
> it doesn't seem to affect many people and no one has stepped up to 
> resolve it.  As it is easily worked around, I've brought it up a few 
> times but haven't made too big of a fuss.  Come to think of it, why 
> didn't I ever open a PR?  Hmm... perhaps I'll do that at work tomorrow 
> (this is on a machine at work).

Huh... setting CPUTYPE?=athlon-xp seems to work fine for me with 

Jonathan Noack | noackjr at alumni.rice.edu | OpenPGP: 0x991D8195
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