FreeBSD constantly crashing

Stanislav Grozev tacho at
Wed Jan 28 00:09:04 PST 2004

On Tue, Jan 27, 2004 at 07:50:52PM -0500, Robert Watson wrote:
> > attached are the kernel configuration and the dmesg.  Please, can anyone
> > shed any light on this? I thought it was the hardware, but I've changed
> > everything except the hard disks - new case, new powersupply, new
> > motherboard, new processor, new RAM, new Adaptec. 
> Are you able to get a crash dump, or compile in DDB and get a stack trace?

I have recompiled a debug kernel and set up the system to provide a crashdump.
on the next crash I will get a stack trace and mail it here

> Does seem odd that the problem would persist after a downgrade -- can you
> confirm that you don't have any kernel modules that are out of sync with
> your current kernel source?

i am using make installkernel, it insures that, right? i do not have any
third party modules - only the standard ones

I am using vinum, does that matter? but it is in sync with the kernel
so far no data corruption has occured (thankfully)

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