Tracking 4-stable rather than 4.8-stable

Jukka Huvinen jhuvinen at
Sun May 25 23:38:22 PDT 2003

On Mon, 26 May 2003, Michael Nottebrock wrote:

> Don't use sysinstall, portupgrade and pkg_fetch are smarter than sysinstall
> and will fetch the latest available -stable packages from the right location
> off the ftp-servers.
> Install and update the ports-collection with cvsup. Install
> sysutils/portupgrade, then use portupgrade with the option -P to update your
> ports/packages (-P will fetch a package if it's at all available, otherwise
> it will compile from source, -PP will only use packages and fail it none is
> available). For example 'portupgrade -aPP' would update all (-a) your
> installed ports and packages by trying to download packages (-P) and fail if
> there is no package available for the current version of a port in the
> ports-tree (-PP). For more details, see the portupgrade manpage.
> Packages for -stable are updated on a regular basis, but only ever so often.
> Don't expect a package to be available in the order of days after a port has
> been upgraded.

Hello! I'm also confused with getting _stable_ packages.

How does it actually occur?

If I update the ports collection with cvsup, it becomes to "current".
(tag=.) I think there is no alternative, tag=RELENG_4 does not fetch the

How are stable packages chosen, or does portupgrade find the latest
available or something? (E.g. setting PACKAGESITE -variable to stable-4
-source site & dir.??)


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