issue with ports

parv parv_fm at
Fri May 23 14:39:32 PDT 2003

in message <20030523065702.GD383 at>,
wrote Andrew J Caines thusly...
> You can always rebuild the ports and package databases...
> # cd /usr/ports/ ; > INDEX ; > INDEX.db ; make index ; portsdb -Uu
> # > /var/db/pkg/pkgdb.db ; pkgdb -u

O! The Horrors!

Why are you obliterating INDEX* & pkgdb.db files?  You do realize
that you are digging your own grave in case indexing or installed
ports db making fails, or the processes need to be stopped?

make index already takes care of INDEX, unfortunately, instead of
keeping around the old copy unless index making succeeds.

By using -U option, you are rebuilding INDEX.  Why then you already
built it once?  Like much the cooing & warmth oozing out of your

  - Parv

A programmer, budding Unix system administrator, and amateur photographer
ISO employment.  Details...

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