fontconfig and FT_Get_BDF_Property

Charles Young charles at
Mon May 19 19:16:37 PDT 2003

Hi all,

After upgrading my fontconfig to 2.2.0, fc-cache -vf gives me an error:
/usr/libexec/ /usr/X11R6/lib/ Undefined
symbol "FT_Get_BDF_Property" when it tries to build the cache for non
bitmapped fonts. 

I have:

1. updated my CVS ports tree
2. rebuilt fontconfig, freetype, expat and Xft using portupgrade
(portupgrade -frR )
3. rebuilt my all (portupgrade -afr)

and fc-cache still chokes.

XFree86-clients, XFree86-fontScalable and several other ports also fail
to build with the same error.

There is only one copy of in ldconfig -r.

I'm sure that there is something really obvious, but  ...

Thanks in advance,

sig. removed in the interest of good taste

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