Boot problem HP/Compaq DL360 G3

Chris Luke chrisy at
Mon May 19 08:29:18 PDT 2003

Scrap that. Disabling "Virtual boot device" under advanced options
in the BIOS appears to have resolved the issue.

I hate it when I resolve stuff 5 seconds after asking about it
on a list. :)


Chris Luke wrote (on May 19):
> The machine in question is a DL360 G3 R03 Xeon DP 3060-512/533 (part
> number: 322471-421). It's the first HP-branded model we've had so
> far (previously all Compaq branded). It has 1Gb of memory and
> a couple of drives on the on-board SCSI controller (setup for
> mirroring in the SCSI bios). No SMP is setup right now (doesn't
> get far enough to do anything with it!). In any case, this happens
> on boxes with a single processor.
== chrisy at

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