IPv6 Resolver (or: Slow rendering of Webpages using Konqueror)

David Malone dwmalone at maths.tcd.ie
Fri May 2 10:36:01 PDT 2003

On Fri, May 02, 2003 at 06:03:18PM +0200, Melvyn Sopacua wrote:
> Let's keep the  flaming part to a minimum. I sent an email to DoubleClick 
> regarding the issue, and my support contact has forwarded the email to the 
> Networking guys and will follow up on it (and if he doesn't I will).
> So essentially, we're working on the same end of the problem.

Yay! I've mailed them about this before and never got a response
from them. I was pretty polite with them, and pointed out that the
problem caused their ads to be missed by my users. Since I got no
response I just set up my nameserver to think it was authorititive
for doubleclick.net and give it an empty zone, so lookups are much
faster now. >-)

> My _personal_ opinion, is that it's just plain dumb, that these 'loadbalancing
> cowboys' can tie up system resources for such a lengthly period of time and a 
> systems' administrator can do nothing about it, but patch applications.
> Imagine the implications, when your mailserver is presented with a bunch of 
> 'MAIL FROM: foo at doubleclick.net'...

Unfortunately, anyone with a non responding name server (v4 or v6,
transport or records) generates a very similar looking problem, if
DNS lookups in your service/application are single threaded.


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