IPv6 Resolver (or: Slow rendering of Webpages using Konqueror)

Melvyn Sopacua freebsd-stable at webteckies.org
Fri May 2 01:27:04 PDT 2003

On Friday 02 May 2003 01:42, Andrew P. Lentvorski, Jr. wrote:

> 4) How is anyone short of guru status supposed to connect "Mozilla chokes
> on FreeBSD" with "the DoubleClick DNS server config is broken"?

Thanx ;).
But you're right. After you see that communication with doubleclick is 
failing, the logical debugging step, is to monitor traffic between your host 
and doubleclick. Since you generally do not resolve doubleclick addresses 
with doubleclick nameservers yourself, you'll miss the lookups.

After using Curl's excellent timing capabilities (see for details the 
--write-out switch in the man page) I traced the overhead to DNS.

Best regards,

Melvyn Sopacua

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