2 Questions

Freddie Cash fcash at sd73.bc.ca
Fri Aug 8 09:42:49 PDT 2003

On August 8, 2003 09:30 am, Warner Joseph wrote:
> 1. Would it be possible or difficult to upgrade FreeBSD 4.8 -STABLE
> to 5.2 -STABLE when it comes out?

It's possible to do a source upgrade from 4.x to 5.x, but it requires a 
lot of time and effort to do it right.  When upgrading across major 
versions, it is generally better to backup all important data, 
reformat, and install from scratch.  That way, you can take advantage 
of new filesystems and other features that require a 

> 2. Which is the best for a production environment, -STABLE or
> -RELEASE Someone told me they think the latter is better because it
> doesn't require as much downtime for an upgrade.

While the development team makes every effort to keep -STABLE stable and 
useable, there are frequent periods where it is broken for a short 
time.  Unless you require specific hardware or software support that is 
only found in -STABLE, it is recommended to run -RELEASE and to track 
the tag=RELENG_X_Y branch (where X is the major version, Y the minor 
version, currently 4_8).  This is -RELEASE + any important bug fixes 
and all security fixes.

Freddie Cash				District HelpDesk / Network Admin
fcash at sd73.bc.ca			helpdesk at sd73.bc.ca
					(250) 374-0679 ext. 219

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