Hardware Donation?

Tim Nelson tnelson at fudnet.net
Thu Jun 25 00:22:20 UTC 2009

Well, unfortunately the offered hardware seems to be unneeded officially 
by FreeBSD. :-(

So, here it is:

1) If you're involved (developer, owner, etc) of another BSD 
project/flavor, I offer this hardware to you for the cost of shipping 
only. I've benefited greatly from *BSD and open source in general and 
I'm happy to give some hardware to help "the cause".

2) If you are anybody else who simply wants some SPARC hardware to play 
with, I'll give away the Ultra 5 for the cost of shipping. As for the 
Enterprise 420R, make me an offer! :-)  Seriously, not much, but enough 
to at least cover my time since just *PACKING* the thing will be a pain. 
:-) Oh, and the cost of shipping of course.

I'm shipping from Duluth, MN USA. I'll ship via UPS, Fedex, or USPS 
(maybe they don't even handle boxes this large?).

If I receive requests from both personal parties and BSD projects, I 
will give the projects priority.



Tim Nelson wrote:
> FreeBSD has always been my OS of choice in general and specifically for 
> my Sparc gear. Hence, why I wanted to donate my equipment to the 
> project. However, I certainly have no reservations to donating the 
> hardware to another *BSD project that can use the hardware. It would be 
> of course secondary to the needs of the FreeBSD team. I'll give the 
> FreeBSD offer a bit more time, until mid next week.
> Did you have a specific *BSD project in mind for the gear? Do you 
> represent any of those projects? In the event that I offer the gear to 
> another BSD project, is there any knowledge of which project is in 
> greater need of the hardare? NetBSD, OpenBSD, <insert others here>?
> --Tim

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